Best Way To Create Affordable + Original Art Using My Favorite Etsy Shops

Best Way To Create Affordable + Original Art Using My Favorite Etsy Shops

Hi there friends! Happy summer! I have been slowing making updates to my family room over the last month in preparation for the arrival of my new sectional. It actually came yesterday, eek! Oh my gosh, it’s GORGEOUS!!! I still have a few more things to do, so bare with me. Some of the updates include art, pillows, a refresh on a piece of furniture, some new accessories and more. In searching for new art for above my fireplace I found a clever way to create affordable and original art without the high dollar price tag using my favorite Etsy shops.

Avocado Tortellini Salad with Fresh Vegetables + Garden Sage

Avocado Tortellini Salad with Fresh Vegetables + Garden Sage

One of my favorite early–June blooms is garden sage. Her grey-green, fuzzy, oblong leaves and woody stems stand two-feet tall with lavender-colored flowers that the resident bees just loooove. If you fancy yourself an edible garden, sage is a pretty perennial “subshrub” I’d highly recommend.
With sage blooms come all the feels of summer. Independence Day is just around the bend and, girl, you know the gatherings are soon to roll in—picnics, potlucks and barbecues, OH MY!
What shall you bring?! Look no more. This avocado tortellini salad with fresh vegetables and garden sage is as fresh as it is filling and sure to be a crowd pleaser.

Riding the Ebb + Flow of Instagram and the New Algorithm

Riding the Ebb + Flow of Instagram and the New Algorithm

I am going to honest, although I absolutely LOVE Instagram, it has gotten me a little discouraged lately. The ebb and flow of this richly loved platform can make one crazy. I can break it down, maybe you can relate. First off, sometimes I wonder if anyone is seeing my posts or if anyone cares. Secondly, it seems the posts that get the most engagement and connection are the personal posts which I am a private person. Lastly, I am not sure I can compete with what everyone else is sharing. This is what I have been telling myself for a few months now. Well….last week while running I was listening to THIS podcast and decided to do something about it. At the end of the day, it’s not about the numbers but connecting with all of you.

Summer Colors Tour-Simple Ways To Style Your Home For The Season
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Summer Colors Tour-Simple Ways To Style Your Home For The Season

Hi there friends! With summer around the corner I thought I would share some easy decorating tips and ideas to get your home ready for the season. This year I joined in on the fun with the Summer Colors Tour hosted by my friend Jennifer. This is a great time of year to create a casual retreat, a place to put your feet up, smell the flowers and take pleasure in being home again. So I crafted spaces within my home that are conducive for enjoying the simple things in life.