An Affordable + On Trend Collection at Target: Opalhouse Favorites

An Affordable + On Trend Collection at Target: Opalhouse Favorites

Hi friends! Leave it to Target to once again raise the bar on affordable and trendy items for the home. Their newest collection, Opalhouse does NOT disappoint. Fair warning, it may have you spellbound, spending way more than you would like on your next few visits. Target is one of those places in general I can get easily sidetracked, especially with home décor but this collection takes it to a whole other level, be aware:)!

Make Your Own Outdoor Pillows The Easy Way
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Make Your Own Outdoor Pillows The Easy Way

Hi there friends! It’s that time of year when we hit our favorite stores in search of the perfect outdoor accessories. After a LONG winter we are ready to make this entertaining season one to remember. Am I right?! I don’t know about you but I have a very difficult time trying to find the right outdoor pillows. They all seem a little stiff and generic. Well, I have a solution and an easy way to make your own outdoor pillows.

The Full Den Reveal With Pure White Walls
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The Full Den Reveal With Pure White Walls

Hi friends! Today is the day, I am finally sharing the full reveal of my den with white walls!! The before and afters will blow you away, it really is amazing what paint can do. If you remember I was back and forth between another dark hue or going light in this room. After much debate and many paint samples later I decided white was best. I wanted the transition between the picture molding and the wall to be seamless. The color I selected was Pure White by Sherwin-Williams and I couldn’t be happier!!! It feels fresh and bright in here, it was just the change I was looking for.

Top On Trend Pillows + Tips For Picking The Right Ones
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Top On Trend Pillows + Tips For Picking The Right Ones

Thank you all so much for the sweetest comments you shared about our new den and furniture. I am in the thick of painting today and so far, it’s looking good. My pillows & my art arrived yesterday and my vision for this room is finally coming together, yay! Pillows & art are a great way to personalize a space, make it feel current and authentic to you & your family. I wanted to take the planning of my den and break it down to offer some advice and/or ideas to you as I go along. Today lets talk pillows.

25 Favorite Cozy Chic Holiday Pillows
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25 Favorite Cozy Chic Holiday Pillows

This is such a busy time of year, isn’t it?! It seems Christmas comes quicker and quicker each year and the push to decorate starts earlier and earlier. Right? In blogland we begin right at the start of November so you have plenty of ideas when you are ready yourself but the stores are catching on as well. It can be overwhelming and costly to buy new things each year, I know:). This year I decided to keep things somewhat simple and neutral, so that I could use some of my accessories thru the winter. My favorite accessory? You guessed it, PILLOWS! This year I layered my holiday home with tons of cozy textures, beautiful plaids + festive neutrals. Here are my 25 favorite cozy, chic pillows perfect for the holiday season + months after….

Friday Favorites From Paint To Pillows

Friday Favorites From Paint To Pillows

Lets talk favorites, first up paint. Like I mentioned I am working on my boys bedrooms. I started in Shane’s room first, the plan was white above the chair rail and below, Sherwin Williams Repose Gray {the most awesome gray}, along with moldings and doors. Well I loved the white so much I decided to use it in Jack’s room. It was the BEST decision, it feels clean, modern and bright, the color is SW Pure White.