Simple Fall Updates

I adore FALL!
It is a time to slow down, to
regroup from the busy days of summer.
It is a time to catch your breath & be present.
I just love the simplicity of FALL.
The days spent at the beach in sweaters and bare feet,
pumpkin picking in the country,
sitting on the porch wrapped in a cozy blanket,
sipping hot cider,
apple picking and baking apple pies
being grateful for all the big and little things in LIFE.
I thought I would share
some of my simple FALL updates from
around the home.



What do you love about fall?
Hoping your enjoying every minute of it
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  1. Seriously SO beautiful friend. I adore your style! I totally pinned your ideas to my mantle pin board! Thank you for the beautiful inspiration!

  2. So glad to find your site from My Crafty Home Life. It is beautiful, and I love your photography and images of your home. Great job! Your blog is so neat and clean and easy to navigate.
    Happy Fall!

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