Pumpkin Pickin’ & Being ALL There

Hi all!
Wow, it is Tuesday already.
I hope you enjoyed your long weekend.
My son Shane has been home for the
past 5 days & we took
FULL advantage of having days off that
NO ONE else did:).
We did a little pumpkin pickin’ ,
had a very quiet picnic at the beach
and meet some friends at Palmer Vineyards,
on the North Fork of Long Island.
Here are some photos from our day in the country.

These are the days…..
that I tuck away in my heart.
I know it sounds corny but…
life moves so fast and it is hard sometimes to be in the moment
& actually appreciate it.
This day I was ALL there.
Hoping you are having days like this too:).

BTW, there is still time to register for
the e-course
Creatively Made Home.
You will have so much fun & learn so much.
Go check it out:).

Sharing At
Savvy Southern Style


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