Hamptons Open House-Amagansett Modern Farmhouse

Hamptons Open House-Amagansett Modern Farmhouse

Growing up we spent a good deal of time in the “Hamptons.” We weren’t of wealth or prominence we just liked spending time out there. Of course it was different back then but more or less the same. My aunt & uncle lived in Southampton and we spent a few weeks of the summer with friends in Montauk. And then on those occasions we drove out as a family to walk the quaint streets of East Hampton, Sag Harbor and/or Amagansett to end the evening with a nice dinner. Fast forward a few decades and we are still doing the same thing. Only this time there is a little real-estate stalking involved, haha.

Simple Modern Farmhouse Holiday Bedroom
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Simple Modern Farmhouse Holiday Bedroom

The holiday season has officially begun as I kick off with my first Christmas post of the season. Omg, did I really just say that?! I know, I know we haven’t even hit Thanksgiving & yesterday was Halloween but we wanted to give you plenty ideas so you had them when you are ready. Thank you to Kristen from Ella Claire for putting this amazing group of bloggers together for this Farmhouse Holiday Series! Be sure to stop by the other tours at the bottom of the post, they are gorgeous!!!

Modern Farmhouse Fall Family Room
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Modern Farmhouse Fall Family Room

Welcome to my modern farmhouse fall family room & second week of the Farmhouse Holiday Series hosted by my friend Kristen at Ella Claire. I am honored to be a part of this talented group of farmhouse bloggers as we head into the festive season ahead Last week these ladies shared their kitchens and I was blown away. So….if last week is any indication of what this week will bring, grab your cup of coffee and get comfy.

DIY Floating Bench + Modern Farmhouse Finish
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DIY Floating Bench + Modern Farmhouse Finish

I came back from Haven a few weeks ago with this “I can” attitude and decided I am finally going to DIY the floating bench under my stairs that I have been wanting to do for a long while but was scared. And I am so glad I did!!! I am not sure what I was scared of but I do realize the best way to tackle fear is by just going for it, with a detailed plan of course!

Chippendale Chairs + A Connection To The Past
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Chippendale Chairs + A Connection To The Past

When I was little I remember going to my Nan & Grandpa’s house and always feeling right at home. My grandmother, lovingly referred to as “Nanny” had impeccable taste all around. She was always dressed to the T and her independent spirit was always way ahead of her time. Her home reflected her boldness for life as it was layered in pieces from their travels, along with an eclectic mix of color & styles. I recently found out that she was actually a DIYer , she was famous for stripping a piece of furniture and making homemade pasta all in one day. This was pretty cool to hear, I often wish I could know her back then, I bet we would have…