Catch of the Day: Martine’s Braised Fish with Rice Pilaf

Catch of the Day: Martine’s Braised Fish with Rice Pilaf

It was a twenty-four hour sojourn to Martine’s quintessential New England home with one of my best girlfriends, Connie, who introduced us. There we were, three fine women sitting alongside the Quaimbog Cove in Stonington, Connecticut, fully present, laughing often, and chit-chatting about life over good wine in each other’s much desired good company.

Chilled Avocado Mint Soup With Roasted Radicchio
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Chilled Avocado Mint Soup With Roasted Radicchio

It’s been one hot, gorgeous summer and the homegrown harvests have been nothing short of raaadicchio. See what I did there? I know, total pork (pun dork).
A free spirit and entrepreneur at heart, my 11-year old neighbor, Lily, has been working odd jobs for family-friends in exchange for fresh grown produce. When she showed up at my door a couple weeks ago with a head of radicchio, I knew exactly how to incorporate this beautifully bitter leafy green into a dish made for this hot-as-all-hell summer: chilled avocado mint soup with roasted radicchio. Queue drooling.

Skinny Watermelon Basil Martini

Skinny Watermelon-Basil Martini (Under 100 Calories)

Happy summer friends, it’s official!! We have 2 days left of school here on Long Island but they are only half days, so I am already feelin the summer vibe. I am eager to hit the beach, go for a swim, take it all at a slower pace and maybe enjoy a cocktail or 2. This year more than ever I am committed to watching what I put into my body. I realize in my 40’s that what I eat directly impacts how I feel. That means keeping it natural and trying to keep the sugars down as much as possible. So I have come up with a clean and refreshing summer cocktail that is under 100 calories, all natural (besides the vodka) and guilt free, a Skinny Watermelon-Basil Martini.

Puppy Update + New Food Contributor
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Puppy Update + New Food Contributor

It’s been a crazy week, so much going on with my Sherwin-Williams makeover and also another BIG makeover I am working on with Rebuilding Together. John’s birthday was Thursday and now my boys are off for the week, phew! The last 2 weeks were also a little nuts as I was filming for my Abstract Art Class . You will be really surprised by some of the personal things I open up about and some of the tools I use to create art if you sign up for this class, which I so hope you will.
Anywho….I have been meaning to give an update on our puppy Denver. I have had so many questions from where he sleeps, to his energy level & temperament, to if we are still happy we made the decision. As most of you know John didn’t really want another dog. He liked being able to go away and not worry about doggie care and he also didn’t miss the chaos a dog can sometimes bring to an already hectic family life. But…I pushed for it. I wanted my boys to have this experience. With Murphy it was like they woke up one day and there he was, already in his senior years. They still loved him tons but never had that puppy experience. I am not going to lie, I was nervous being the one who ultimately made the decision on this. So nervous! You hear stories about puppies and how they uproot your life & change the dynamics of the whole house. I needed and hoped so desperately for a good experience with our new little pup. Well….it has been 7 months that we have had him and he is now 9 months old. He is the biggest love and we all adore him so, even John.

City Farmhouse – Call for Food Contributor
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City Farmhouse – Call for Food Contributor

Happy Friday friends!! As most of you know, this blog is a place where I share my love for design and DIY projects for the home, but I am looking to expand my range of topics to include simple seasonal recipes. I believe that food, and in particular, enjoying meals together is a big part of what makes a house a home. I want to offer my readers recipes that are easy to make and that inspire creativity…

10 Tasty Cocktails to Try In The New Year

10 Tasty Cocktails to Try In The New Year

This week has flown by hasn’t it?! I can’t believe tomorrow is New Years Eve already! Do you have any special plans? Are you hosting? I am not this year but I always have my eye on a good cocktail. Truth be told I am not the mixologist in the family, that title would most likely go to my sister-in-law who inspires me to think outside the box when it comes to adult beverages. It is an art if you know what goes best with what and what flavors bring out others. And the beauty, if you can capture it just right, is positively yummy looking!

Holiday Dining Room-Recipe + Decorating Ideas
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Holiday Dining Room-Recipe + Decorating Ideas

Hi friends! Happy Monday! Can you believe Christmas is just 20 days away? I am so excited to be partnering with Birch Lane on this post and finally revealing my holiday dining room. It is filled with creative decorating ideas & a few of my favorite recipes that will hopefully inspire you as you head into this magical and sometimes stressful season.