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DIY Burled Wood Frames

Good ole craft paper for the win! This project blew my mind in the best way, of course! After seeing the comeback of burled wood frames, I wondered if I could make a version myself. I let the creativity marinate for a bit and came up with this DIY. Using three simple things you probably have at home, you can make these, too. You’ll need craft paper, as mentioned. Mine was a lighter version. You will also need a high-gloss Modge Podge and brown craft paint. Below is the pretty remarkable before and after.

Make DIY Burled Frames. City Farmhouse by Jennifer O'Brien

Please don’t be intimated by this. If I can do it, so can you. I did a sample piece first to practice, so that may help you, too. First, cut your strips wider than all the sides you’ll cover. So if the front, sides, and inset equal 3″, cut a little bigger, like 4″. You can see below I used a straight edge and cut around five strips in case I made a mistake.

Then, it was onto the glue. I used a foam brush and took one section at a time. I used an exact knife in the corner to miter the corners, but if you don’t have one, use a box cutter. Cut the excess off with the same knife when all four sides are glued. Be sure also to seal it with another layer of glue.

It’s time for the paint. Water down two darker shades of brown paint. Watering them down lengthens the drying time, making them more pliable on paper. You may want to play a little with the paints first. I used a syringe and dropper to get a splattering look but realized a paintbrush and my fingers were best. I do about 4-5 layers on this. You need the layers to reach the burled wood look, so be patient.

Viola! I was able to upcycle my old white IKEA frames for a fraction of the cost of new frames. Flat and thicker frames work best with no wood detailing. Once you’re done and have achieved the desired look, seal again.

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Burled Wood Frames. An Easy DIY!

You can see other examples of burled wood frames and accessories below.

An easy DIY-Burled Wood Frames
Make DIY Burled Frames.

What do you think? Pretty cool, right? Have a happy day, friend!

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