Finding The Perfect Christmas Tree
I know, I know, Christmas Trees?
We just finished with Halloween but bare with me:).
A few months ago I found out that Balsam Hill was going to be sponsoring this year’s Holiday Housewalk hosted by Jennifer Rizzo, eek!!!
Growing up I always had a REAL Christmas Tree, it wasn’t until I was about 18 that I ever had an artificial one.
There was always something about Christmas & a real tree.
That was until I found Balsam Hill.
Have you seen their trees?!
Oh my gosh, they are the most realistic looking artificial trees I have ever laid my eyes on.
So from rom there began my search for the perfect Christmas Tree.
Oh my gosh, it was so hard to choose!
In the end I went with the Brewer Spruce, I just loved the look.
Happy mail!!!
I am not sure who was more excited about this tree, my husband or me.
Funny story- last year we brought home a REALLY big {real} tree, maybe, possibly a little too big
because in the middle of the night, CRASH!!!
I kept telling him to be safe we should tie it to the wall but someone {not saying who} couldn’t dream of putting a hole in our molding.
Yes, we can laugh about it now but at 3:30 in the morning, not so much.
So when he heard we had an artificial one coming he was ecstatic!
Someone else was excited too, my little Jack was such a big help.
The set up was so easy-the best part-it was pre-lit!!!
As you can see, it looks quite real.
I am so excited to show you it all set up. I am busy working on handmade ornaments, so stay tuned!
Click HERE to see last year’s Christmas House Tour.
Be sure to follow by email {on sidebar}, it seems my I am only reaching 10% of you that follow me on FB,
which means many of you are not seeing my posts:(.
And there is so much crafty goodness to come this season, you don’t want to miss a thing!
Have a beautiful day!
I adored all of your creative and personal touches you made last year. I look forward to seeing your new ideas. I really enjoy decorating for Christmas – this year I just can’t wait. I like to mix vintage with handmade. I have an idea for something fun to add to our “Kid Tree” this year.
Thank you Lynda! It is always such a fun time of year! Have a nice weekend, Jen
That is one beautiful tree !
Thank you! Excited to start decorating:). Have a nice weekend!
I do agree, it does look quite real. I look forward to seeing your handmade ornaments.
Mary @ Orphans With Makeup
Thank you Mary!
That’s quite a tree, won’t you miss the “real” smell? lol I’d love to have real tree this year, been missing that real tree smell. Last year hubs made a pretty great tree with pine garlands over tomato cages, (payday wasn’t til day after Christmas for us). Put some strings of lights on and we had a tree.
Anyway your tree looks incredible. So full and lush, great shape. Who wouldn’t want one of those trees? What a shame about your real tree crashing last year, bad enuf to happen let alone middle of night.
We have small l/r so no room for big lush tree. To have it in front of window would have to move hubs chair, not a good idea, think it will have to be in corner or on trestle table by 1/2 kitchen wall. It’s just two of us, so I decorate some, not as much as I used to as the putting away is getting more tedious. Make lots of (too many) decorations and ornaments so I give most away.
Can hardly wait to see what you have up your sleeve for us. Know whatever it is will be great. Always enjoy all your projects and your blog. Happy weekend
If you choose to reply please do so to my email address. thank you
Thank you for your comment Jane Ellen. Christmas is what you make of it & your tree from last year sounds perfect. Have a great weekend! Jen
JaneEllen…your Christmas tree sounds like it was delightful…just an amazing idea and I bet it looked great !! Jen I am so enjoying all of the beautiful ideas you share, thank you ! Enjoy the SONshine.