16 Faux Plants That Actually Look Real
Whether you are someone who prefers faux plants or the real thing, I think we can all agree that artificial greenery has come a long way. The variations, hues, textures and true likeness definitely puts my mother’s synthetic treasures to shame. I have to admit, when I first began “adulting” I had a thing against fake plants. For me there was nothing better than seeing my herbs and tropicals thrive through my nurturing touch. Then I had kids and that all went out the window. Between my constant fatigue, memory loss and lack of time, I began to see the advantages to owning plants that didn’t need any maintenance what so ever. Boy, how things change, right?!
A few weeks ago I hosted a workshop at the Washington, DC CB2 store location. After my presentation I opened it up to questions. It was so nice to chat with shoppers about their concerns when it comes to home design and mixing patterns & prints. To my surprise there were many, they ranged from picking the right furniture, scale and size, how to mix styles within your home to art and plant selection.
I expected some fear when it came to pulling the trigger on big ticket items and not knowing where to start from a design standpoint but I was a little surprised by the apprehension people had about using plants. For me plants and greenery finish a room and they are a must have accessory. They give a natural vibe and add a texture that seems to complete any room.
One of the major concerns many of the homeowners had was the care factor. I explained how it is perfectly acceptable to use faux plants and mix them with real ones. What?! Yes, I did just say that. Like I mentioned above, we have come so far with artificials that you honestly can’t tell the difference. The only one who will know if YOU:). So if you are finally going to take the plunge or in the market for some new plants, check these out….
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Have a happy Friday friends!