Why This All Means So Much
Hi friends! Happy weekend to you!
This April will be my official 3 year blogging anniversary. To say I am grateful for this journey is an understatement. Do you ever feel like when “things” are meant to be they just fall into place? Not that you still don’t have to work hard because I certainly have poured everything I have into this blog. But I just feel when “things” are destined to be, sometimes your hard work is enough.
This ENTIRE journey feels so much sweeter partly because I struggled to find my place in the world, professionally. In high school I was voted Class Day Dreamer, yup sweet, huh! My head was in the clouds dreaming of what I could make, sew, draw, build & be. I wasn’t like the other students or my SUPER smart friends {who I LOVE}, I was different. At the time I looked at it like a negative thing, as every high schooler wants to fit in. But I was lucky in that I had the BEST mom & dad in the world and an amazing support system of friends who all knew I was special but maybe me at the time.
My senior year I was taking equal amounts of core with creative arts classes. ART was my thing but I was scared off by a nasty teacher who didn’t believe in me, so my timid self though “huh, that must mean I am not good enough.” So I went on to my second love, which was children. I ended up earning a teaching degree and went on for my masters in reading. After a long 3 years of trying to break through { the teaching profession was incredibly tough to break into in the late 1990’s in NY}, I decided to take another path, one that was not paved but I could see it was there. My heart was always somewhere else.
I opened my first creative business at 25, as a decorative painter, which was a hot talent & service to offer back then. I moved to Colorado at 30 and worked for a fabric/design company and met the BEST ladies, who were my family away from home. I had my beautiful baby boy and was lucky enough to stay home. We moved back to NY & some years later had my 2nd beautiful baby boy, I was also blessed to be able to be home with him. That was my path at the time and I was more than happy to take it.
We bought our home 4 years ago and with a lot of support from my family & friends who encouraged me to start this blog, I did. I am not going to lie, it was so much harder than I thought, especially to break in and find my “tribe.” There were a few days I actually cried but I knew I couldn’t give up. So I pressed on, creating and sharing with all of you. Not knowing if it would every lead somewhere. But I prayed, a lot. In my heart I knew I was on the right path, it was just a REALLY bumpy beginning. But I held on tight. Little by little amazing things began to unfold. I was so grateful {still am}. When you struggle for a long time to find your place and then do, you never forget it.
I still can’t even believe it sometimes, “how did this happen?” All I can say is I am filled with such gratitude. I am so humbled that you all take time out of your day to read what I write, leave comments and support me.
With that being said I have to ask a small favor. I was nominated for the Better Homes & Gardens Top 10 Decorating Blogs about a month ago and voting ends on Monday morning. In my heart I know I am with the most incredible talents so I really am so honored just to be with them. But I still need to do my best to spread the word, I may never get this opportunity again. So if you have time to vote, I would be so appreciative:)!
You can vote HERE. As often as you want.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Have a beautiful weekend!
Congrats Jen! It’s a wonderful achievement!
Thank you Gilly! Have a nice weekend!!! Jen
Congratulations Jen, and such a fabulous nomination! I love your blog and your amazing style and this honour is well-deserved! It is amazing, the journey we take, sometimes, but ultimately we have to trust the path we are on! I’m glad you have found so much success on your path:)
Thank you Krista! I sometimes question that but always grateful!!! And words so true! Have a great weekend! Jen
Yeah! Woohoo! Yippeee! My favorite quote is by Mary Engelbreit…”It’s never too late to be what you want to be.” I am in the last stretches of finally earning my advanced degree…at almost 47.
You go girl!
You too Laura!!! That is amazing, so happy for you!!! Love that quote:).
You are up against some great bloggers! I voted for you though!
Good luck & Congrats!
Thank you jenny! I know:)!!!
Since I found your blog thru a happy accident over a year ago I’ve loved your blog. I’ve copied some things I’ve seen on your blog and have enjoyed it post after post, think you’re stuck with me.
I clicked on the link to vote for you but didn’t see any place to vote, just order magazines. Is there another link have missed?
Hope you have wonderful Spring weather and a great weekend
I just checked it should work, it could have been a pop up. I appreciate all of your comments, I just smile every time I read yours, it really warms my heart:).
Would love to vote but link only took me to gardening.
Patty, you can skip to the next category which is mine or vote and that will take you there too:). Thank you!!!
Very happy you stuck with the blog. I love all your projects and I have a son going to NYU so I feel just a bit closer to him when I read your blog. We are out in California…
Charlotte, NYU, that is so exciting!!! My sister in law went there. I am sure he will love it. Thank you for your sweet words! Jen
Thank you for sharing your beautiful gifts with us, Jen. It’s kind of funny that you posted this today, because I literally just write a very similar post for Monday about how I’ve found my place in blogging too. It’s so amazing to look back sometimes and realize that all those times I felt lost (former teacher here too and the dreaming shy girl in school), when I couldn’t find my place and satisfy my creativity, that God was just preparing me for something that would fulfill me more than I ever could have dreamed. You have most certainly been blessed the same way, and you touch lives and inspire people more than you’ll probably ever know. I hope this is only just the beginning for you. 🙂
Lauren, thank you so much! I have tears in my eyes:). The absolute BEST part of all of this is connecting with people like you. Your blog is beautiful, so glad we found each other. Have a fantastic night! Jen
Hi Jen – Love your blog and I would gladly vote for City Farmhouse. I clicked on “Next Category”, then “Select” on yours, but not sure if this registered the vote as there was no acknowledgement that I had voted.
Thank you Mary, I appreciate your support! Have a nice night! Jen
Dear Jen, Congratulations and Happy Anniversary.
Thank you for inspiring me with each and every
Thank you Suzie for taking this journey with me and for following along:). Jen
Jen, you most certainly have my vote! I loved reading about you up top & can relate…after two degrees I felt lost ,then on a whim started blogging & well unlike many think its been HARD! I guess when you’re essentially starting a business the harder it is the more successful…Thanks for the inspiration to keep plugging along!! Happy week!
Thank you Paige for your thoughtful comment. It can be really tough starting out, if you love it then enjoy it and the rest will follow:). Have a great day! Jen
Jen, I really enjoy reading your blog. Congratulations on doing a great job! I am just starting out this year with my blog. I hope I can express my enthusiasm as well as you do for interiors and home style. My background is as an expediter for design firms, then went back to school for a certificate in design. It’s so very hard to get going, but I will succeed. Thank you for any support you can give me, or advice! Joan