Sophisticated Scandinavian Living Room:Get the Look

Sophisticated Scandinavian Living Room:Get the Look

Hi there friends! One of my goals for the next year is to give you more diversification when it comes to design. To give you more ideas outside my own 4 walls. The easiest way to do that is to create looks with mood boards and direct links to sources. Mood boards can be incredibly helpful for focusing in on a look;  the furnishings, fabrics, woods, hues, balance of textures, art, etc…It also keeps you on track because you have a visual. Honestly, I wish I did this for every room in my house when we moved in, it would have saved me a ton of time & money! It is also a good tool to keep your house feeling cohesive.

My New Design Series On YouTube
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My New Design Series On YouTube

Hi friends, I have some exciting news to share! City Farmhouse is now on YouTube! I have been wanting to start a design series on my YouTube channel for a while but if I am being honest, fear held me back. Not of being in front of the camera but of being able to create the videos myself. I am a creative, not so much a tech person and so the mere thought of the process, start to finish hurt my brain, but to my surprise creating videos is a lot of fun!

Haven Mentor-Lets Meet In Person
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Haven Mentor-Lets Meet In Person

I have some fun news to share! I will be heading back to Haven this year as a mentor!!! Last year I had the honor of being a part of this incredible event in which I spoke about design & decorating with THIS amazing blogger and friend. To say it was fun, exciting & inspiring doesn’t do it justice. It was so much more than just a conference for me, so to be asked again to be a part of it on this level is both humbling and super exciting.