Haven, Blogging Perspective + 6 Simple Boho Picnic Ideas

Haven, Blogging Perspective + 6 Simple Boho Picnic Ideas

I am off to Haven tomorrow so I thought I would pop in before I left. This is my 2nd year going and I am super excited. For anyone who isn’t familiar with this blogging conference, its focus is DIY and decorating & let me just say this is such an amazing experience if you are a blogger whose focus is that. The nice thing is everyone is in the same genre, so there is so much to talk about, blog goals, techniques, SEO, decorating, DIY but for me the best part are those little conversations I get to have with friends old and new that make me feel connected and a part of something much bigger.

Haven Mentor-Lets Meet In Person
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Haven Mentor-Lets Meet In Person

I have some fun news to share! I will be heading back to Haven this year as a mentor!!! Last year I had the honor of being a part of this incredible event in which I spoke about design & decorating with THIS amazing blogger and friend. To say it was fun, exciting & inspiring doesn’t do it justice. It was so much more than just a conference for me, so to be asked again to be a part of it on this level is both humbling and super exciting.