Thoughts For The New Year & Free Printable
Hi sweet friends! Happy New Year {again}! I feel refueled & refreshed for all that awaits in 2015 . I took some much needed time off during the holidays {I so needed it} to reflect and just BE with my family. And it left me with many thoughts sprinting through my head and heart.
{me & my boys at the beach over break}
Each new year I set out to be the best version of myself & when I fall short of being everything to everyone I lay the guilt on myself pretty thick. Can anyone relate? I NEED to realize my best is enough. I tell my boys that all the time so why is it so hard to for me to take my own advice? I decided this year to reflect and give myself some quiet suggestions.
The last few months were insanely crazy, I found myself working way more than usual. I need to set boundaries with work & family. This is going to be a big thing for me this year. I need to be purposeful with the things I choose to do. I have got only a short time with my little guy before he heads to school full time next September. I will never get a re-do of this time together and so my priority is to be FULLY present when I am with my family. I always try to be but I know I can do better.
I turned 41 this year. I don’t feel it but apparently I am:). In all honestly I love the self awareness that comes with age but I do need to embrace my body {who gave birth to 2 beautiful baby boys} more. This summer I pushed myself so hard to look like I did at 21. It was a good driver but guess what? By summer’s end I looked like a fit & happy 41 mother of 2 boys who had the time of her life playing with her family at the beach. Conclusion- health + happiness=beauty.
Gratitude is something that has always been a running theme in my life. I feel incredible blessed by my journey, it hasn’t always been an easy one but I think often it is through those tough experiences you are able to find out the most about yourself. I have spoken about loss before in THIS post and have become a better version of myself because of it. I do not take anything for granted and so this year I will continue to be oh so grateful for all the things I do have instead of wishing & wanting more.
For as long as I can remember I have been humble. I am realizing that it can be to a fault. I am so used to lifting others , so to be on the other side is a strange feeling. This past year I received opportunities I never, EVER thought possible. And with that I put myself THERE each time. I was fully present for it all. I wanted to embrace the happiness because for so long it lived only in my dreams. What I need to work on this year is allowing myself to feel proud, not just for a moment or a day but a lifetime. To give myself permission to add these moments to my life book and own it. And also realize my ability to lift others has no bearing on the ability to lift myself. I can do both.
I will continue to LOVE on my little family as they are my world. I will continue to be kind to others and pay it forward whenever I can. I will continue to live with grace and courage for what lies ahead. And mostly I will continue to be the best version of me. And the end of the day that is all I can ask for.
I did a little painting over the break & it really felt good. Feel free to use this free printable for your own personal use. Just right click & “save as.”
What are some suggestions you are giving yourself this year? I would love to know:).
Have a fantastic & beautiful weekend with the ones you love,
Hi Jen,
I’ve followed your blog and Instagram feed for awhile now and am so inspired by your beautiful photos. I loved reading your thoughts about the new year as you enjoy this decade of your 40s. I am entering my last year of that decade and plan to fully enjoy it! I love your words for this year on your printable – -thanks for all you share with us! 🙂
Hi Valerie! Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment. Life is short , I do hope you enjoy every minute of this year! Wishing you all the best in 2015!!! Jen
Thank you for your honest and humble post. The printable is beautiful and I am printing it. I have decided that I need be there more for myself and not spread myself so thin being everything to everyone. I want to live in the moment.
Thank you Lizzy. I think we all struggle to find balance in our lives. Wishing you all the best in 2015!!! Jen
Thank you Jen, another beautiful post and print, I appreciate you!
Dear Jen,
Thank you for this beautiful post. A friend of mine has an
expression that she says frequently. ” Life is not a dress
rehearsal.” We all need to Be in the moment as you so
eloquently say. Thank you for sharing your journey with
all your followers and reminding us of what is really
important in life. Wishing you and your family all the
best in 2015. Enjoy those boys. 🙂
You too Suzie, wishing you all the best in 2015. Thank you for your thoughtful comment. Jen
Hi, Jen! Your words really struck a chord in my heart…. I too find myself lifting others up but doubting myself. Its changing, slowly but surely due to a loving Heavenly Father, a patient husband, and friends. Thank you for the reminder of all that is important! I am so thankful for the time I had with my children when they were young and now as a teenager and young adults every minute we have together is held close to my heart. I pray that you have a wonderful weekend and a great year ahead! take care now!
So beautifully written Jen!! You have done so well and have so much to be proud of! I love all of your reflections and see so many of my own thoughts in them. I hope you have an amazing 2015! xo