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Book Update-We’re On Submission, So Now What?

I’m officially on submission with my second book! I’m hoping the second time is the charm! It’s been a challenging journey, to say the least, but one thing is for sure: I’m glad I didn’t give up. I wanted to so many times, especially when my first agent and I parted ways after book one didn’t sell. The constant rejection during every phase of this process was crippling and soul-crushing and almost too much to bear at times. But after I cried it out, I got back up, more determined than ever.

Jennifer O'Brien Author City Farmhouse

When I started writing, my fire-burning drive to be published stemmed from not feeling enough for so much of my life and feeling like I needed to prove myself to feel whole and worthy. However, somewhere along the way, I gained the confidence needed as a writer because I took the time to learn story structure, writing techniques, and editing tools. If I do get published, it will be solely for me—okay, maybe for my boys, too.

Coastal Grandmother. Beach House Long Island

I have THE most supportive friends, and God bless them; they’ve asked countless times about the process. So here’s the condensed version of being on submission. Your book and proposal are sent to several publishers that align with your genre. This process can take 6-12 months if you’re lucky. The ideal situation is that an editor at this said publishing house loves it and sends it to acquisitions, which could take another few weeks to months. From what I gather, it’s a meeting where the team agrees on purchasing the books and rights. It sounds like buying a winning lottery ticket would have better odds; that’s why many give up hope or go to Indie or Hybrid Publishing. Plus, writing is so subjective.

Jennifer O'Brien Author City Farmhouse. Unsplash Image

I feel like I have a better outlook this time around. Do I want this? Of course, I do, but I am also grateful for my life regardless. Will I be disappointed? Absolutely! Will it stop me from writing more? No! At this point, I am trying to bask in the idea that I actually did this. I wrote not one but two books, and here I am. The child in me who had processing issues and was put into remedial reading climbed this rather gargantuan mountain. And I’m really proud of myself. My agent, this time around, is so communicative and believes in this story. I couldn’t ask for a better ambassador for my work at this point.

Stay tuned. Happy day, friend!

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