Easy Fig Jam-Perfect Compliment to Recipe
My aunt used to make preserves and jams in her small kitchen in Southampton. I remember her vividly cooking up a storm on Henry Street, especially this time of year. Always in her apron as she greeted us from the backdoor. The aroma would take over the house and fill the air with a vibrant sense of home. I wanted to bottle that smell and feeling up. It was a juxtaposition to my mother’s cooking. Although my aunt cooking was for need it was also for pleasure. She was only 24 when the Great Depression hit and had a household of her own to care for and maintain. That time made her resourceful as it did most men, women and children of that time.
Even though living through a pandemic is all together different, it has given me time to pause and seek perspective. I have been thinking a lot about how lucky we are to have food and a roof over our heads (as I mentioned in a previous post). A fresh perspective opened my eyes to what I have and grow outside my door. And how we can benefit from it’s plenitude all year round.
Yes, you guessed it, I have a fig tree. It began as a tiny plant with one branch and now it has taken over an entire corner of my very small backyard.
It yields a crazy amount of figs and I am ashamed to admit that up until now I never used them in a resourceful way. I picked a few here and there. I dried them but never harvested them so I could use them long term like in a jam or preserve. That is up until now!
Guess what I learned in making fig jam?! It’s so stinkin easy! I never thought it would be so simple, I am not sure why. I suppose I made my aunt out to have some sort of super power in the kitchen.
Easy Fig Jam-Perfect Compliment to Recipe:
1.5 lbs ripe figs washed and quartered
1 cup of sugar
1/4 cup of water
1/4 cup lemon juice
pinch of sea salt
1/4 teaspoon of vanilla (optional)
Bring to a boil and reduce heat, wait until it has a thick consistency.
Let cool and blend.
Fill mason jars and refrigerate.
This recipe fills 2 medium mason jars. Ideal to keep one and give one to a friend.
Anyhow…guess who will be a busy girl this fall! Do you see that fig tree?
Fig Bruschetta will be next stay tuned…
Have a happy day!!!
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