Things I Told Myself….
but instead acknowledge & embrace
Time, there never seemed to be enough of it until now. We have been faced with unprecedented circumstances and most of us have nothing but time. I will admit, the first week I was in…
I know, I know, Christmas Trees? We just finished with Halloween but bare with me:). A few months ago I found out that Balsam Hill was going to be sponsoring this year’s Holiday Housewalk hosted…
Hi friends! I have something super exciting to share!!! Wayfair has decided to host their own blogging conference this year!! It is called Heart Home & it will take place in the amazing & historic city of Boston, from October…
City Farmhouse is in the running for the Top 25 Home Design Moms!!!! Circle of Moms is recognizing moms who blog about home & decorating. So, if you like this blog then click here &…
Hi friends! I have wanted to do a beauty post for a while now. Most of us are on same quest to feel our best and yes, look our best too. Whatever age you are,…
Every year my hometown shuts down it’s Main Street to host a Halloween Parade for children of all ages. Shane decided to be Jack Sparrow.Shane and John refuel with some candy. Shane and his Superman…
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Stopping by way of Jeanne Griffin Oliver who commented over on FB and I must say Congratulations to you ~ what an awesome achievement and congrats to your husband too!
I am not a runner, the only running I do is running to and from events because I am the mother of a XCountry girl 🙂 but I love to be there for support.
I hope you don’t mind if I share this with her. She will deeply appreciate your words.
Well done! Love the inspirational quotes – I bet they really helped. Congratulations on doing something that many of us only dream about! I’m one of the ones sitting on the couch that you lapped!!! x
Yeah! You did it. Your time wasn’t good? I know it was better than mine…I didn’t run. Gardening in excessive heat also burns a lot of calories, just sayin.
Found your blog by way of a kinky party and now get your posts inky email box.
Firstly congrats on running the 5K! It is a great feeling, isn’t it? I ran my first 5K years ago in a Susan G Komen race. It was wonderful to be running amidst the sea of pink. All the survivors! I did not have a good time either, but I didn’t quit.
Your husband had an awesome time!
Keep on keeping on!
Oh goodness! I am laughing out loud over here cause I am typing my comment on my phone. Apparently in my previous comment I didn’t have spell check on and I typed kinky party instead of linky party. Goodness, I guess I need to read my comment before I press publish. We all need a good laugh once in a while, right?
Hi Cheryl,no worries, I had one of those days yesterday:)I am the queen of mistypes! That must be an amazing experience to run that race! Have a great night,Jen
Hi! I love your blog. I’m your newest follower from Peggy’s linky party. 🙂
Kathy @