Paddle Boarding & A Little Lesson In Bravery

“You have to be brave
with your life
so that others
can be brave with theirs.”
I can’t tell you how much I love this saying.
For me “others”= my boys.
I want to be that parent that leads by example
I think I may be failing a bit in the
I am not sure exactly how it happened that I became a mom
 managed to stuff my adventureous side away somewhere 
but I did.
I got caught up in making sure that everyone else’s
needs were being taken care of that
I forgot some of my own.
Can anyone relate????
So, in the spirit of  “bravery” & adventure
I decided to try
paddle boarding.
I have a huge fear
of what lurkes beneath the water
so this was enormous for me.
I have to say, I actually liked it:)!
And what was even better,
my son Shane,
 who is 7
thought I was cool.
He even tried it too, 
which I thought was even more cool
& quite BRAVE:).
Here we go
 My husband-the instructor.

Here I go


 A little big for my little guy,
 but E for effort.


 Jack is anxiously awaiting his turn.

 My brave boys.
This is our new chalk board saying for
a while.
Shane read it
put an exclaimation point at the end.
I think that is a good way to start summer:).
Happy day everyone
thank you for sharing your time today.

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