First Day Of School

 How is it that my little boy just started first grade this morning.
It seems like just yesterday he was hugging on my leg, barely walking or talking.

Yet today he goes out into the world all dressed up in his high tops, plaid shirt & “cool dude” hair, ready and eager to make new friends and very excited to learn.

This is a bittersweet day for me.  We have had so much fun this summer, we had great conversations, laughed a lot and hugged a lot.  We did fun things, traveled and explored.
For now we close this chapter and open a new one.   His journey is just beginning; he has so much ahead and so much to be excited about.
I will not be sad today, I will rejoice with him, for him.
“The days are long but the years are short.”
I heard this saying when Shane was very little; it’s something I try to remember often as these moments are over in the blink of an eye.
 So for now I will store this day in my heart along side with all the other cherished times in my life. 
Happy 1st Day of School!!!!

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