
DIY Rosemary Topiaries-Tutorial & Tips For Growing Your Own

Hi Friends!

I am a tad obsessed with Rosemary,

isn’t everyone:)?

In planning for the holidays I knew I wanted a few Rosemary Topiaries.

I just LOVE how they look in a kitchen, especially around the sink.

But when I began shopping around I realized they where a little expensive.

So my sister-in-law who happens to be an amazing gardener gave me a great idea

for making my own…..DIY Rosemary Topiaries & Tips for saving $ City Farmhouse1. Take clippings, trim leaves from the stem off the bottom and set in water.

Change water often & leave until you get roots.

This can take a few weeks.

2. Take your pots and fill the bottoms with foam or rocks for drainage.

3. Fill bottom with potting soil then add your rooted Rosemary.

Then add more soil.

Press soil lightly & water.

4. You may add a stake for more support.

5. Place in sun.

6. As it gets more full you can trim as needed.


TIP- don’t over water:).

I have to be honest, I tend to do that & a few didn’t make it.

But….. all of my sister-in-law’s did & really look pretty.

DIY Rosemary Topiaries-Tips to save $-City Farmhouse

Ok, so in my desperation of loosing a few,

I decided to try something my father-in-law has been recommending.

He swears by Shultz Take Root.

So I did & the jury is still out but in case you wish to try this too….

1. I took rather large clipping from my Rosemary Shrub.

2. Trimmed leaves from the stem of the bottom half.

Stuck it in the Take Root powder and then right into my pot filled with soil.

3. Watered a little & placed in sun.

4. As it gets more full, you can trim to form a ball shape.

{With using this product, which is a growth hormone,

I thought it best if this topiary was just for decoration and not consumption}

DIY Rosemary Topiaries-City Farmhouse-full tutorial

DIY Rosemary Topiaries -Growing & Tips-City Farmhouse

DIY Rosemary Topiaries-City Farmhouse- Getting ready for the HolidaysI know it seems a little early for bells but I scored these at the RH outlet for $4 last January!

A steal right?

Look at the patina, LOVE:).

DIY Rosemary Topiaries-City Farmhouse= 2 ways to grow them on your own

DIY Rosemary Topiaries-City Farmhouse-Ways to save money this holiday seasonGood Luck!!!


Can you believe the Holidays are around the corner?

I love when I find really unique and fun gifts for the people in my family,

don’t you?

Here are some really cool gift ideas that I just LOVE…..

New YorkNY Mug

Long Island Print

Map My State

Have a fantastic Halloween!!!


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  1. thanks for this, I live in the Bahamas and its hard to buy topiaries, but I do have a rosemary plant, so will follow your instructions,

  2. Love, Love, LOVE your idea. I tried growing topiary and I think I burned it up in my window sill. I am so bad with plants! I love your pots too. Where did you find those!? Happy Shopping!

  3. Great idea. We love our rosemary and it has grown into a large bush..I will try the topiary in the spring. I’ve found trying to grow our rosemary indoors will not do too well. It sometimes get a white sticky substance on the stems. It is easy to root although I have not used the rooting hormone in quite a while. Something to remember – rosemary grows in the Mediterranean while it is rocky and dry. I also try to remember this about my lavender. It also doesn’t like too much water and it does like the heat but not humidity. I will be following your progress with the topiary.

    1. I’ve never had any luck with rosemary indoors. It just dries out. I do keep a large pot on my back patio and a smaller one at my front door. I love the scent and use it frequently for cooking. I am actually making oven-roasted potatoes with rosemary tonight. Any tips for indoor rosemary as well as basil? I know that basil does not tolerate the cold. I guess I over-watered my lavender. It stopped blooming shortly after I got it, but it’s still hanging in.

  4. I adore rosemary too and keep two plants all year round for cooking. One looks like a topiary and the other one is wild and free. Ying and yang, LOL. I love those little pots in your photos.

  5. These are beautiful! I saw some Christmas shaped ones at Wholefoods and wanted one so bad but now seeing yours I Love them so much!

  6. I love those pots! Did you make them? What size are they? Rosemary likes to dry out between waterings. Mine always does better outside and even tolerates cold. Everytime I have tried to have it inside, it dries out. They obviously like humidity.

  7. Rosemary for remembrance and what a perfect time of year to share these topiaries with others. Wonderful idea.

  8. Oh, yes, I believe everyone loves rosemary. And everyone loves your little pots in which your rosemary is growing.


  9. I know it has been well over a year since you posted this but I am curious. Did you rosemary topiaries survive? If so, how are they doing now? I would LOVE to do this as I love to use rosemary and thyme year round. I transplanted some of my thyme indoors early fall but alas it did not survive. More accurately, its pot did not survive being knocked off the shelf and in the process of the clean-up it was thrown out. No problem though… I’ll just dig up a bit earlier in the summer and let it get established prior to the onset of winter.

    Have a wonderful day! Congratulations on your advancement to the final round!!

  10. Thank you for sharing. I would like to give these as Christmas gifts. I think I still have time. Here in Hawaii the weather is perfect and I noticed there’s lots of rosemary and lavenders at the nursery
    I’ll give it a try. Thank you☆

  11. I have a rosemay topiary I bought after Christmas. I don’t water it heavy,usually spritz it with spray bottle. It is drying out on the bottom. question? Can I clip the dried rosemary and put in a jar or ziplock and use? Or do I trim off, and throw away? Will Rosemary come back on the bottom if I trim it?

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