
City Farmhouse by Jennifer OBrien Has a Whole New Look!

If you’ve hopped on my website recently, you probably noticed that City Farmhouse by Jennifer OBrien got a makeover! I have to say it was long overdue. It is now easy to search and navigate. But what I am the proudest of is that my brand messaging is now clear. I worked hard to make sure that you know who I am and what I do when you come to my blog. It was a collaborative effort with my talented and very patient web designer.

City Farmhouse by Jennifer OBrien

Some of my design values you will find on the about page. One of my favorite messages about home is, “let’s embrace progress and stop putting pressure on ourselves to have the perfect house yesterday.” And, of course, “home wasn’t built in a day.” Deanna asked me, “what’s your elevator pitch to what you do?” I said, “I am a design cheerleader for anyone looking to embrace the journey of making a house a home.”

City Farmhouse by Jennifer OBrien. Making a House a Home.

You may be thinking, why now. Well, anyone who has a website knows it’s constantly evolving. But…after my pillow launch, COVID, and spending most of my resources on writing, I will admit that I prioritized other things. That was until I got an email from my literary agent over spring break. I was on submission for both fiction and non-fiction at one of the top 5 publishing houses, and it even went to acquisitions. Anyone who knows a bit about the publishing world knows this is a huge step forward. But, unfortunately, it was a NO. I was devasted, to say the least. After wallowing for a few days, I took the feedback and used it to better myself and my business. The feedback was that Jennifer Obrien wasn’t searchable although I had a nice social media presence. Ugh, after 11 years of hiding behind City Farmhouse for privacy purposes, I knew I had to make myself more visible.

City Farmhouse by Jennifer OBrien Pillow Shop, City Farmhouse and Co.

So I did what any person who couldn’t give up on a dream would do. I hired an SEO and website person. Deanna has been wonderful, and it will continue to be a working relationship as she is also a marketing genius.

City Farmhouse by Jennifer OBrien. Black French Doors.

If you are curious, my books just went on out on submission to 8 more editors this week. I am trying to remain optimistic, and patient. This part can take a very long time. On a positive note, I’ve started my second novel, which takes place on the North Fork of Long Island. You can watch a little video HERE. If you want to learn more about what I write, you can find more information HERE. You can find additional details at Shop My House. Stay tuned. I will keep you posted.

What do you think? Have a happy day, friends!

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  1. Love the overall look of the new site, however, some of the ads are covering your content.

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